
This is the default interface for running and interacting with the NEO blockchain.


$ np-prompt
NEO cli. Type 'help' to get started


Managing wallets

Create a wallet

neo> wallet create path/to/walletfile
[Password 1]> **********
[Password 2]> **********
Wallet {
    "addresses": [
    "claims": {
        "available": 0.0,
        "unavailable": 0.0
    "tokens": [],
    "height": 0,
    "synced_balances": [],
    "path": "Wallets/blahblah.db3",
    "public_keys": [
            "Address": "AayaivCAcYnM8q79JCrfpRGXrCEHJRN5bV",
            "Public Key": "027973267230b7cba0724589653e667ddea7aa8479c01a82bf8dd398cec93508ef"
    "percent_synced": 0

Open a wallet

neo> wallet open path/to/walletfile
[Password]> ***********
Opened wallet at path/to/walletfile

Inspect a wallet

neo> wallet
Wallet {
    "addresses": [
    "claims": {
        "available": 0.0,
        "unavailable": 0.0
    "tokens": [],
    "height": 75500,
    "synced_balances": [],
    "path": "Wallets/blahblah.db3",
    "public_keys": [
            "Address": "AayaivCAcYnM8q79JCrfpRGXrCEHJRN5bV",
            "Public Key": "027973267230b7cba0724589653e667ddea7aa8479c01a82bf8dd398cec93508ef"
    "percent_synced": 9

Rebuild Wallet Index

If your wallet is behaving unexepectedly or you have imported a new address into your wallet, it is a good idea to rebuild your wallet index. This will sync the wallet from the beginning of the chain. Optionally, you can specify a block number to start the resync at

neo> wallet rebuild 700000
restarting at 700000

Re-encrypt your wallet

If you get a message like this when opening your wallet, you must reencrypt in order to secure against previous wallet vulnerabilities.

Could not open wallet: This wallet is currently vulnerable. Please execute the "" script on this wallet before continuing

You can fix this by exit the neo prompt, and run the re-encryption script:

python path/to/mywallet.db3

This will ask you for a password and re-save the reencrypted wallet with a new name of path/to/new_mywallet.db3.

Import WIF

You may want to import a WIF key to add an address to your wallet

neo> wallet import wif KxP97gujib35PBEnTq78e5NmYVbeaosU4AdguDzZ4tyf6a7W32UM
Imported key KxP97gujib35PBEnTq78e5NmYVbeaosU4AdguDzZ4tyf6a7W32UM
Pubkey: 303263383231666338336465373331313039633435653034346136353863386631313337623730303461396232323237613335653262353566613061313630323731

Export WIF

You may want to export a WIF key from your wallet to use in another program. Specify the address of the WIF you would like to export.

neo> wallet export wif AXjaFSP23Jkbe6Pk9pPGT6NBDs1HVdqaXK
[Wallet Password]> ***********
WIF key export: KxP97gujib35PBEnTq78e5NmYVbeaosU4AdguDzZ4tyf6a7W32UM

Import NEP2 Passphrase protected WIF

You can import a NEP2 encrypted private key like this:

neo> wallet import nep2 6PYVPVe1fQznphjbUxXP9KZJqPMVnVwCx5s5pr5axRJ8uHkMtZg97eT5kL
[Key Password]> ******************
Imported nep2 key: 6PYVPVe1fQznphjbUxXP9KZJqPMVnVwCx5s5pr5axRJ8uHkMtZg97eT5kL
Pubkey: 303236323431653765323662333862623731353462386164343934353862393766623163343739373434336463393231633563613537373466353131613262626663

Export NEP2 Passphrase protected WIF

You can export an address as NEP2 encrypted private key like this:

neo> wallet export nep2 AStZHy8E6StCqYQbzMqi4poH7YNDHQKxvt
[Wallet Password]> ***********
[Key Password 1]> ******************
[Key Password 2]> ******************
NEP2 key export: 6PYVPVe1fQznphjbUxXP9KZJqPMVnVwCx5s5pr5axRJ8uHkMtZg97eT5kL

Delete address

neo> wallet address delete AStZHy8E6StCqYQbzMqi4poH7YNDHQKxvt
Deleted address AStZHy8E6StCqYQbzMqi4poH7YNDHQKxvt

Import watch only address

A watch only address is any address that you do not have the public key for that you may want to observe. A watch only address can be deleted just like a normal address.

neo> wallet import watch_addr AStZHy8E6StCqYQbzMqi4poH7YNDHQKxvt

Import a Smart Contract address

You may have a smart contract which has been deployed that you want to use funds from. Depending on how it is programmed, it may allow you to use funds from it as if it were your own. In that case, you can import a contract address by specifying the script_hash of the contract and the public key of the address in your wallet you want the contract associated with. A contract address can be deleted from your wallet in the same way as a normal address.

# import contract_addr {script_hash} {pubkey}
neo> wallet import contract_addr 3c62006802d895974069a1d96398a04b4703f0f8 027973267230b7cba0724589653e667ddea7aa8479c01a82bf8dd398cec93508ef
Added contract addres AeU8kTJxynwkT3q9ao8aDFuaRJBkU3AfFG to wallet

Sending Assets

Basic Send

You may send assets from your wallet using the following command. Note that with this syntax, assets will be chosen from your addresses for you, and may come from multiple addresses. Also note that the change_address of the transaction will be one of the addresses in your wallet.

# syntax send {asset_name} {address to} {amount} ( optional: --from-addr={from_addr})
neo> wallet send gas AeU8kTJxynwkT3q9ao8aDFuaRJBkU3AfFG 11
[Password]> ***********
Relayed Tx: 468e294b11a9f65cc5e2c372124877472eebf121befb77ceed23a84862a606d3

Use wallet send help to view all required arguments and their descriptions.

Send From

You may also specify a particular address to send assets from. This is especially useful when sending from contract addresses.

# syntax send {asset_name} {address to} {amount} ( optional: --from-addr={from_addr})
neo> wallet send gas AeU8kTJxynwkT3q9ao8aDFuaRJBkU3AfFG 11 --from-addr=AXjaFSP23Jkbe6Pk9pPGT6NBDs1HVdqaXK
[Password]> ***********
Relayed Tx: a43dfb30af63bd0e5a510b05f02b3d40932af26d4564e040e3812ce78e76ce71

Use wallet send help to view all required arguments and their descriptions.

NEP5 Tokens

Import NEP5 Compliant Token

You may want to observe or interact with NEP5 Tokens with your wallet. To do so, you must first register your wallet to observe a token.

neo> wallet import token f8d448b227991cf07cb96a6f9c0322437f1599b9
added token {
    "name": "NEP5 Standard",
    "script_hash": "f8d448b227991cf07cb96a6f9c0322437f1599b9",
    "decimals": 8,
    "symbol": "NEP5",
    "contract address": "AYhE3Svuqdfh1RtzvE8hUhNR7HSpaSDFQg"
neo> wallet
Wallet {
    # truncated ...

    "percent_synced": 100,
    "addresses": [
            "balances": {
                "c56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b": "4051.0",
                "602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5de6b7b16cee7969282de7": "897.48372409"
            "script_hash": "AXjaFSP23Jkbe6Pk9pPGT6NBDs1HVdqaXK",
            "votes": [],
            "version": 0,
            "is_watch_only": false,
            "tokens": [
                "[f8d448b227991cf07cb96a6f9c0322437f1599b9] NEP5 : 4519175.65580000"
            "frozen": false

Smart Contracts in the prompt

View a full description of interacting with smart contracts in the prompt: Smart Contracts within the Prompt

Retrieving NEO TestNet funds

This section explains how to obtain the TesNet funds requested via the official NEO request form.

Obtaining the funds requires 2 steps

  1. Adding a multi signature address to your wallet.
  2. Transfering the funds to your own address.

Adding a multi signature address

For this we’ll need 2 pieces of information

  1. The public key sent in the email you received from NEO.
  2. A public key from our own wallet. Have your wallet open and type wallet in the prompt to obtain the needed information.
neo> wallet
Wallet {
    "public_keys": [
            "Address": "ANFLgwKG8Eni9gJmKfM7yFXEaWwoGkSUid",
            "Public Key": "037b8992e8384212f82e05c8836816c0f14dff9528397138731638b17d6357021e" <--- take this

Next we create the multi signature address as follows.

neo> wallet import multisig_addr help

Import a multi-signature address

Usage: wallet import multisig_addr {own pub key} {sign_cnt} {signing key n}

own pub key     - public key in your own wallet (use `wallet` to find the information)
sign_cnt        - minimum number of signatures required for using the address (min is: 1)
signing key n   - all remaining signing public keys

neo> wallet import multisig_addr 037b8992e8384212f82e05c8836816c0f14dff9528397138731638b17d6357021e 1 02883118351f8f47107c83ab634dc7e4
[I 180310 16:49:19 UserWallet:191] contract does not exist yet
Added multi-sig contract address ALXEKioZntX73QawcnfcHUDvTVm8qXjAxf to wallet

Inspect your wallet again and you should see your balance (specifically look at the synced_balances key). If you don’t see the added balance then run wallet rebuild and wait until it’s fully synced and try again.

neo> wallet
Wallet {
    "path": "test",
    "addresses": [
            "address": "ANFLgwKG8Eni9gJmKfM7yFXEaWwoGkSUid",
            "script_hash": "47028f2a3d33466f29fba10e65c90fd8f3d01e1f",
            "tokens": null
            "version": 0,
            "script_hash": "ALXEKioZntX73QawcnfcHUDvTVm8qXjAxf",
            "frozen": false,
            "votes": [],
            "balances": {
                "0xc56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b": "50.0",
                "0x602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5de6b7b16cee7969282de7": "50.0"
            "is_watch_only": false
    "synced_balances": [
        "[NEO]: 50.0 ",
        "[NEOGas]: 50.0 "
    "public_keys": [
            "Address": "ANFLgwKG8Eni9gJmKfM7yFXEaWwoGkSUid",
            "Public Key": "037b8992e8384212f82e05c8836816c0f14dff9528397138731638b17d6357021e"
            "Address": "ALXEKioZntX73QawcnfcHUDvTVm8qXjAxf",
            "Public Key": "037b8992e8384212f82e05c8836816c0f14dff9528397138731638b17d6357021e"

Transfering the funds to your own address.

Now that we can access the funds we can send them to our own address as follows

neo> wallet send NEO ANFLgwKG8Eni9gJmKfM7yFXEaWwoGkSUid 5 --from-addr=ALXEKioZntX73QawcnfcHUDvTVm8qXjAxf
[Password]> **********
[I 180310 17:02:42 Transaction:611] Verifying transaction: b'c32b0e3d9adbef6720abfad5106dcd2dacb17b31d4f9d32cbcf8ed6e7f566ef3'
Relayed Tx: c32b0e3d9adbef6720abfad5106dcd2dacb17b31d4f9d32cbcf8ed6e7f566ef3

Note that the --from-addr parameter specifies our multi signature contract address to take the funds from.